Monday, May 6, 2019

比特幣交易, 以太幣購買 / Eth Trading, ETH, BTC to HKD - Futureresources

We offer quickly and easily calculate foreign exchange rates ETH to HKD, BTC to HKD and Cryptocurrency Buy/Sell 比特幣交易, 以太幣購買. Exchange Rate by

Hostile to Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (AML/CFT) Policy
FutureResources Shop AML/CFT Policy is intended to guarantee that we consent to the prerequisites and commitments set out in Hong Kong and universal enactments, guidelines, principles and Industry Guidance for the monetary administrations segment, including the need sufficient frameworks and controls set up to moderate the danger of the firm being utilized to encourage budgetary wrongdoing. The AML Policy sets out the base principles, which must be agreed to by FutureResources and representatives and incorporates: 

• Establishing and keeping up a Risk Based Approach (RBA) towards surveying and dealing with the tax evasion and fear based oppressor financing dangers to FutureResources;
• Establishing and keeping up hazard based client due tirelessness, distinguishing proof, check and know your client (KYC) techniques, including upgraded due industriousness for those clients displaying higher hazard, for example, Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) and Correspondent Banking connections; 

• Establishing and keeping up hazard based frameworks and methods to screen continuous client action;
• Procedures for announcing suspicious movement inside and to the important law implementation specialists as fitting;
• Procedures for announcing suspicious fake utilization of recognizable proof archives to the applicable law authorization experts as proper; 

• The upkeep of proper records for the base endorsed periods;
• Training and mindfulness for every important representative;
• And the arrangement of proper administration data and answering to senior administration of the Group's consistence with the necessities. 

• CS may require its customers to give extra data or documentation to satisfy our legitimate commitments and where it considers suitable deny any customer or exchange that is associated with being identified with money related wrongdoing. 

The FutureResources AML and KYC approaches are as per the following:

• Transactions led through the FutureResources stage will be liable to our interior AML exchange checking.
• Identity and evidence of location archives and exchange records for high volume exchanges (surpassing HK$120,000) will be kept up for no less than six years and will be submitted to controllers as required without earlier notice to enlisted clients.
• FutureResources may whenever without risk and without revealing any reason, suspend the exchange with any suspicious client. FutureResources will inform you in the wake of practicing its rights under this proviso. 

• High volume exchanging clients will be required to check their character and hold fast to the FutureResources KYC strategy. This incorporates the accommodation of both government ID and evidence of location. Substantial ID incorporates an identification, Hong Kong Identity Card, or drivers permit. Legitimate evidence of location incorporates utility and rates bills not more seasoned than 3 months. Different types of ID and Address confirmation won't be acknowledged. Your record will be unregistered and no exchange should be possible until record confirmation has been finished.

15/F Millennium City 5 (APM), 418 Kwun Tong Rd, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong